Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sorry thought

When you really like someone and notice that they are losing interest in you it really sucks. Like guys don't have it easy because everyone expects that men are strong and don't upset but really the most painful thing is knowing that eventually you'll have to let your favourite person go.

And it's not even because you don't like them it's more because you begin to realize that your previously joy filled conversations are dull and probably annoying to them.


Its much harder for a guy to find a person that they enjoy because naturally we're just not open about feelings to someone but when we find that person they mean so so much the world to me and really you're all I think about.

But you can never know that.

If you do then you'll realize that you're not actually as fun as they thought and then you start thinking that I am obsessive and cligy and eventually you will stop responding after a few texts and get mad at me for being upset about it.

Then  after a few days or month of silent pain we just stop talking and it's all over.

Girls. If you know that there's a guy who's "crazy" about you then give him a chance to speak up. He just want to take a good care of you. Feels your love and many more because you're so much mean to him. The guy who's "crazy" or terlampau "fanatik" sangat will be the one who loves you what's on the inside.

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gunakan hati kau. sila guna ayat kesat dan celupar sebaik munkin .

Pesanan Ringkas.

"gua seorang budak lesbian yang hidupnya penuh dengan cerita cerita cinta ala ala bintang porno. gua punyai hati. tapi hati gua sudah pecah dipukul oleh bidadari jeli"Cerita Terlarang Dari Manusia Tak Punya Otak Yang Kurus Keding Tidak Cukup Organisma Penting(Hanya Untuk Mereka Yang Berjiwa Matang Sahaja)